barren area

美 [ˈbærən ˈeriə]英 [ˈbærən ˈeəriə]
  • 贫瘠地区;芜原
barren areabarren area
  1. They direct the attention of research workers to this important but barren area of mechanics .


  2. The resulting barren area leads to soil erosion and the development of undesirable trails .


  3. Arabs even more intolerable is that the Arab country 's territorial fragmentation , even each other , mostly hilly and barren area .


  4. It is located in a barren area in the Taihang Mountains , but by sheer hard work on the part of all during these three years it has begun to take on a new look .


  5. For several days he marched across a barren desolate area where whole villages had been wiped out during the flood of1938 ;


  6. It has the property of strong drought-resistance but can not stand the high soil moisture environment . Therefore , it is a suitable liana to the afforestation in barren mountain area .


  7. A study on the Pattern of Increasing in Yield and Fertilizing for Maize in Barren and Dry Area


  8. Desert : a barren or desolate area .


  9. Talking about the Points of the Afforestation on the Rocky Barren Mountains in Shanxi Area


  10. Studies on the techniques for big increase in yield of sweet potatoes on NONIRRIGATED and barren farmland in mountain area


  11. However , the recent steady decline in the forest , young forest , and barren hills and sparse area gradually expanded .


  12. The main land use types of high sensitive area are barren land , burned area , beach land and fallowed nonirrigated farmland .
